Windows 10 Calendar Preview Has a Refreshed Text Editor – Complete Guide

The Windows 10 calendar preview was launched with the insider build 19564, in February. In this Windows 10 calendar preview, a new feature is added; that is a visually and functionally refreshed text editor. It is the latest improvement in the Windows 10 calendar. A calendar is a very essential application for human’s life. People use it in their everyday life. After getting this kind of improvement, users will be benefitted.

If any user wants to get more information about Windows 10 they must visit the websites related to Windows 10. With the launcher of insider built 19564 Windows 10 calendars back in February. This app has multiple features. It also has more than 30 new themes. Using the user calendar interface, it also introduces a better-organized cleaner and other applications.

Windows 10 Calendar preview has a refreshed text editor

It also adds new features regularly to the beta version of this application every month. More than that visually and functionally improved text editor is undoubtedly a marvelous improvement in the case of Windows 10 calendar preview. Learn about Windows 10 Keeps Failing to Upgrade to User’s Charging

Windows 10 and is trying to remove all the problems and shortcomings that users have to face while using it. The Microsoft company has recently made improvements that are required and has managed to impress the audience. Since all the versions of Windows have their advantages and disadvantages but I must say that we should not ignore the merits of the improved and innovative services we have got from Windows 10.

The New Look of the Windows 10 Calendar Preview

An animated GIF is posted on twitter which demonstrates and showcases the process of formatting text during the creation of events on the app. But this video is mainly useful for twitter users.

The dark themes and pink tones on the command button look extremely gorgeous. In that video mainly the text portion is highlighted and the text box is the main focus area of the GIF demo.

It will create an impression to the user that it is a fully-fledged text editor. It also contains all the information regarding all the formatting information that the user may need.

As per demo, first of all, users have to click on the button which is in the bottom left corner of the text editor, pop-up windows, and then common formatting options (which included bold and font color). Users can also use the strategically located menu in which they can insert links and also add text for display. The main motive of the Windows 10 is to unify the Windows experience across multiple devices, for example, in desktop computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. Along with this Windows 10 introduction, Windows 10 mobile replaces or substitutes for the earlier Windows phone.

Update Windows 10

With this version of Microsoft, users have to first download the updates and then they will be only able to update their Windows. To enjoy better and more improved services, with Cortona, the user must have to share his or her personal information with the Microsoft company, otherwise, he or she would no longer be allowed to enjoy services and facilities as provided by Windows 10.

Windows 10 has found, although, substitutes for the new web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, and thus replaces the internet explorer their quality level needs to be upgraded as one will find the browser to be too slow to work with showing many ads. There’s a loss of affinity in software and hardware which also encourages many users not to switch to Windows 10. 

Alumia_Italia posted another GIF in the last month, demonstrating the new search properties and features which are added by Microsoft to the calendar app. Microsoft wants to more simplify the event creation on this app. For that case, the text editor will help them a great deal in this purpose.

The main goal of Windows is to offer users more simple and beautiful features. It must be fast also so that they will be benefited by using this wonderful calendar experience.

Windows 10 Calendar Preview  

We ensure that you are satisfied with the information that we have provided on the Windows 10 Calendar Preview. Learn the procedure of installing Windows 10. I would suggest one should be clear about the services and facilities embedded in the Windows 10 and should try to grab as much gain as possible, and also it has been upgraded recently by the Microsoft company, which has also increased its number of users and have also pooled much appreciation and praise. So just go and try now this new upgraded version of Windows 10.

This version of Windows won’t harm your system yet it will offer you advanced features and smooth functioning over the workflow. If you ever come across the doubts in using Windows 10 Calendar then feel free to drop in the query in the comment box and our team of experts will try to solve the query in the least possible time. This software can easily restore deleted files from Windows 8/9/10 respectively.

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