How to Restore Chrome and Open Closed Tabs on Google Chrome?

Reopen Closed Tab Chrome. Google Chrome is one of the most famous and frankly speaking the most used Web Browser in the world. We all know Google is a giant, and it has grown exponentially over the past 8-9 Years. But, Microsoft has been in the business with Internet Explorer, since ages, and it still belongs their only, in the times, ages ago. Why? Well, Google has worked a lot to keep the Browser smaller in size, faster in speed, and easier to access. Mozilla too has so many things to look up to, but that is what complicates it. While, Chrome on the other hand is simple, yet full of useful features. One of Google Chrome’s Features is such, that not many people know about it. It is about How to Restore Chrome. You will get to read about the same here.

Google Chrome Help, and Introduction:

As you all too know Google Chrome is a Web Browser Application available on all Smartphone and PC Platforms. You can use it on Mac OS, on iOS, Android OS, and obviously on Windows as well. The simplest browser you will find, has the simplest Download Procedure. To Download Google Chrome you simply need to Download Chrome Setup, and follow the Setup Steps.
But there are a few things, you would want to know before using Google Chrome, and How to Restore Chrome is sure one of those things. So, read below to Find out How.

How to Restore Chrome and Open Closed Tabs on Google Chrome?

Well, the answer is very simple. It is just that people are not aware of the procedure, but nothing for you to worry about. In this post, you will sure learn the right way to do that.
For PC or Mac:
  • Open the Google Chrome Window on your PC or Mac
  • Now, right click on an Open Tab in Chrome, and you will easily find the Open Closed Tabs Option there
  • You can also use the Keyboard Shortcut to Restore Chrome. The shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+T.
Restore Chrome, Reopen Closed Tab Chrome, Open Closed Tabs Google Chrome
For Smartphones:
  • Open the Google Chrome App
  • Tap on the Menu Button
  • And Click to Open Recent Tabs
So, you see? This was really easy, right? That is all that you need to do in order to Restore Chrome. I hope you now know how to easily do it. You can still drop your queries down in the comments section here.

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